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Honey Bee Stitch Along Week 5

Welcome to the Honey Bee Stitch Along Week 5

This week we are sewing all the hexagons together to complete our project!!Make your Table runner

You’ll need your sewing machine and matching thread.  Choose your stitch to be as bold or minimal as you like.  I wanted a fairly minimal impact as I have  3 different fabric colours to incorporate.  If yours all match then it’s much easier.

Lay out all your completed hexagon units in the plan of your colouring page if you filled that in.


We have our embroidered panels in a row along the centre of the design, with the remaining 12 hexagons surrounding them.

I found it easier to join the hexagons in 3 separate rows, top middle and bottom. Join along the side edges by abutting the haxagon units

Then the rows can be sewn along the length to complete the table runner.  You’ll see this in the video where I work my way along the rows in a large zig zag fashion.  This is my longest video and shows you how I finish off my table runner.

A good sewing session will see your Table runner completed and ready use, have fun!

Share to be eligible to win.

Please share you finished table runner on social media and be sure to #ssqhoneybee to be eligible for the 3 prizes that will be awarded.  I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Share on social media – Use #ssqhoneybeesal

If you are posting on Facebook please tag us on your post. Sunflower Stitcheries & Quilting . We can be found on Instagram at @sunflowerquilting and @sunflowerstitcheries

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