It Only Takes One Mini Quilt Pattern


This is a simple design to get your quilting fingers flying. It can be quilted in one thread path. The concept of one; one colour family used, one flower, one caterpillar, one leaf, one bobbin used to complete the project, it’s only takes one caterpillar to ruin a plant! Finished size is 6 x 9 inches unless you choose to make more and make a quilt. This is a design only, brief instructions are included.

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This is a really great way to practice your quilting. Consider a quilt made of a variety of colours of this design…

  • quilt them all in a colour to tone with the background
  • quilt them all in black thread on various coloured blocks
  • quilt them all in white
  • quilt them in contrasting thread to the background but many colours
  • the background can be a variety of colour as well as the thread, like a scrappy colour quilted quilt
  • join them in a QAYG method
  • applique the flower for added colour raw edge applique style
  • embroider the design in your favourite stitches, use some of the colour combos listed above
  • Many possibilites…

This is a design only, brief instructions are included. We assume you know how to trace and cut fabric to size to suit the design and know some basics of machine quilting. Please do refer to our Youtube videos about quilting for more information and tips.


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