#100days100blocks2017 – Winner Blocks 61-70

Are you still with us?  How are you going with your blocks and sharing them each day?  It makes for a very colourful Instagram feed.

I like this block in particular of this group of 10 as I could use lots of scraps to have a thoroughly eclectic collection of greens.The others are a great variation of green and I am seriously considering my quilt plan and how I am going to put them together. So lets here about the next winner shall we…

Our Sponsor for blocks 61-70: Quarter Inch

Prize: Quarter Inch has kindly donated a $100 Gift Certificate.

You can find them in the following places: Instagram | Website | Facebook

Please note: The prize is open internationally. Winner is responsible for own insurance and custom charges where applicable.

Winner: @honeythorpe

Congratulations, you have 48 hours to make contact to claim your prize. Unclaimed prizes may be reallocated at the discretion of the event coordinator.

Our next winner for a group of 10 blocks will be announced at Block 85 , keep sewing and posting your blocks.  They look fabulous and we love seeing them each day.


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