Embroidery Stitches are here
Here are just a few pictures of the embroidery stitches I have added to the website. Our site was down for a few weeks so I apologize to anyone trying to access our site. There are now a whole heap of photos with instructions to do various embroidery stitches and I hope you’ll find the pictures useful.
You can follow this link https://sunflowerstitcheries.com/stitchery-tutorials/common-embroidery-stitches/ to the Sunflower Stitcheries website. Under this heading are the individual stitches with a photo or two so you can see how it should look.
None of the stitches are difficult though I would recommend using a practice piece so you are completely comfortable with the stitch before starting a project.
These are the most commonly used stitches in many embroidery and certainly in our stitchery designs. I will be adding more as time goes on, some harder and some less frequently used but all good to have in your repertoire of stitches.
Have fun creating some beautiful items.