Girl’s Week Away

March held the long awaited Girl’s Week Away which I had been looking forward to for many months, years even.

words written in sand, girls week 24

How it started

When my family lived in New Zealand for a couple of years, I made some fabulous lifelong friends and they are the ones who got me through living in a new country, adjusting and flourishing in a place that might seem so similar but is yet so distinct from Australia.

These gorgeous girls are in my tribe, you know the ride or die type of friends you can call on for help, or chat to easily even after some time of little contact when life gets crazy.

When we returned home to Australia we decided that every 2 years we would have a Girl’s Weekend Away to really catch up. No kids, no husbands, just us girls. That is exactly what happened for many years, some years the budget was leaner than other, but we managed it… until a world pandemic.

3 friends

This year’s plan

Without delving into the issues of the years from 2019-2023 which I am sure you are aware, we have had to postpone 2 Girl’s Weekend Away, ie 4 years worth. So this year we added the 3 weekends together and worked on a Girl’s Week Away.

Being thrifty minded and with a travel goal in mind, we planned our trip and I will say we had a fantastic time. If my camera reel is any proof we had beautiful weather, so many gorgeous scenes and a heap of fun.

3 friends being silly

Where did we go?

We decided to drive The Great Ocean Road along the coast of Victoria, Australia. The world’s longest war memorial. We had booked accomodation along the way, not making any day too far to travel, which allowed us to get out and look at places along the way without worrying about reaching our accomodation for the night.

The result

We drove, we looked, we saw, we walked (a lot), we talked, we ate (both budget and dining out), we took so many photos. We redid many traditions that have become part of our weekends, and we had so much fun.

My health app showed I walked 68,700 steps or about 52km.

Would I recommend?

Absolutely, I would recommend a few days away with friends doing something that is not in your usual wheelhouse. Learning and exploring together and appreciating all that is around us is a great way to spend time together.

The pictures

I have so many photos but I have tried to choose some representative photos of our Girl’s Week Away. I hope you enjoy and are inspired to start your own GWA.

Quilting took a back seat to quality time with friends, we walked many kilometres, ate some fantastic food, and talked a lot. We caught up on each others lives and enjoyed experiences together. This is priceless and I am so thankful we had this time away together.

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