

What can I say… 2020 – the year that has brought many challenges. A blanket fort certainly has it’s attractions.

A discussion between 2 creatives led to a post in a designers group and the #quiltedblanketfort challenge was begun.

Thanks to Sam Hunter, there are a group of designers who are sharing their version of a blanket fort, made using quilts. Watch for the pictures on the 1st of September 2020.

My lads and I rose to the challenge and here is our creative process for our #quiltedblanketfort.

The Base

Our 8 dining table chairs facing outwards. A gap left for entry.

The Support

A centre support to secure the quilts to. An old cardboard tube fit the bill perfectly. Wheat bags used for ballast around the base of the tube. Quilts to cover the floor of course.

The Roof

All 6 quilts were sourced from our boys rooms and the ones we use in the lounge. The corners of the quilts were all pushed into the tube and it held really well.


Tim gathered many pillows and cushions and made a fantastic nest where he happily lounged for a few hours with his computer and some music.

The View and the Company

-Inside was cosy and comfy. The cat checked it out and the dog needed to join us when I spent time inside our quilted blanket fort.

It was pretty dark inside the blanket fort but Tim loved that and we had such fun making this.

Are you up for a challenge? Make your own quilted blanket fort and share a picture on social media. Use the hashtag #quiltedblanketfort so we can find it.

I hope you’ll join in and have some fun with your family. Share your picture whenever you are able to. We’re going to infuse the internet with some fun and frivolity. We can all use some more of that.

Door’s closed – Goodnight all!


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One Comment

  1. Very cool!! I can’t wait to have made enough quilts to try this 🌻🌻

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