Jesse Tree Quilt
Quilt-along starts Oct 26th 2020
If you are keen to sew your faith and create a journey that takes you through the bible that you can admire each year, join me in making the Jesse Tree Quilt by Jen from Faith and Fabric.
This Quilt along starts on Monday 26th October 2020 so it’s time to grab your fabric and get ready.
I am making mine from all scraps and will be featuring a few blocks as part of a group of friends sharing their blocks as we work through the blocks and then the daily devotional during the time of Advent.

I have started adding sashing to the top and sides as I go, joining each block to the rest. Hoping this may mean a faster finish when the blocks are done. Let me know in the comments if you have tried this process and found it faster.
My fabric for the sashing is a charcoal solid which we have in stock. You can find our fabric for sale here, we’re adding more as we are able
Lots more info on Jen’s blog so head over to Faith and Fabric blog to read more about the Jesse tree quilt.
Pattern available from Faith and Fabric. Click the pic below to be able to buy the pattern.