2021 Spring Clean Studio Blog Hop

In Autumn, well for me anyway. The days are starting quite chilly.

Are you a chucker? I am. I have a persistent habit of throwing threads on the floor. I was trying to break this habit this year so I had less tidying to do in the studio. So far I have not been very successful.

I even have a bin, a large one under each machine, and my desk and one for paper so I have a place for the rubbish. All the big stuff goes in there but the threads are often on the floor.

Spring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop 2021

So when Cheryl announced her annual Spring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop, I decided this was the perfect opportunity to clean up.

Filming this was a bit of fun and allowed me to ramble a bit more than if I was typing. Check out my video of the before and after below.

Video proof

What I Did

I needed to put away all the tools I still had out from the time I have spent working on the machine issues, that’s a whole other story.

Vacuuming, that made a huge difference to how clean the studio felt. So much better without thread spiders.

Quilting paraphernalia that are used regularly but not for every quilt was put in its place, yes I actually do have spots for them. Threads, wadding, rulers, all that has a home and is now back in it.

Why did I get so messy?

My focus has been on fixing and sorting machine issues of recent time and this has meant my studio cleanliness has paid the price. It was actually really peaceful to be able to dedicate the time to tidy up my space so that I am wanting to be here again. The frustrations of the events and the messy room were not a helpful combination. Are you like this too?

My top tips

  • Have bins where you will use them including a thread bin. I have one on my sewing table, which I am training myself to use when at the sewing machine.
  • Organize your space, you are less likely to leave things out if they are logical to put away.
  • Give yourself a stern talking to and spend 5 mins putting things away each day. Feel free to check in with me on this one.
  • If you are building a room or renovating a space, maybe don’t use carpet in the sewing area, hard floors are much easier to clean.
  • Use your design wall to hide shelves. Useful and concealing all in one.
  • Make some pretty spaces where you can, you’ll enjoy them and keep them neater. I do like a desk that I can see most of and where I can keep my plant.
  • Above all, recognise this is a work space, a creative space, and if it gets messy, work out why and accept that, then make steps to make it neater again. In the creative rush you might not have the desire to put all the bits away, but don’t leave it too long.
  • Make yourself a fabric basket to catch threads on your sewing table. I have a pattern for these in the shop.

Check out the other spaces and see their tips.

We hope you enjoy seeing our spaces and are able to use our tips and hints. Pleases let me know in the comments in you have any ideas or have used my suggestions at all.

Happy Creating.

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One Comment

  1. Wonderful job, it looks lovely. I will second the statement that having a thread bin is essential. Thread spiders on the floor really do mess with your mind, and they wrap around the wheels of your chair, and the inside of your vacuum cleaner. Using a bin, means that you save yourself more work in the future.

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