A Busy Year.

Checking back to my blog today I was shocked to see that despite my last post I did not get myself into a habit and show you things regularly, it’s actually been longer than before.
In the past year my husband has gone on long service leave from the Defence Force, I have taken on an executive position of an Australia wide association, been needed at school by son #3 a fair bit, done a fair bit of quilting, and more recently spent a week in Adelaide at the Australian Machine Quilting Festival.

I have seen on a few blogs I regularly check that they have a button which says something like IBOT, which stands for I Blog On Tuesdays.
What a great idea.  I don’t need the button, I just need the day that it should happen and I plan to stick to it unless there is something that just cannot wait.  I did think about my week and have to admit that Tuesdays is probably the better for spending some time at the computer.
So after a busy year I do have lots to show you and my plan is to do that on Tuesdays. Watch this space.

Block detail from Blue Gentleman


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