Finish Along 2021

We would like to invite you to think about your pile of unfinished projects and which of them are shouting or whispering to be completed in 2021. Then we encourage you to make a list of them as they appeal to you and join us for the Finish Along 2021 as we…
start finishing!
What is this finish along?
Our Finish Along is an event where you can publicly declare your intention to complete a certain project or 2 or 3, within a set time frame.
We have broken the year into 4 Rounds. Basically each quarter is a round, where we aim to complete something from our UFO or WIP pile. We all have them and they are begging to be completed, and we all feel so accomplished when we complete a project.
What kind of project can I do?
You can make your declaration about any project or projects to complete in each round. Whatever craft you are enjoying and have an unfinished project of, you can nominate this project for the Finish Along.
To be really clear, you can do any project you have, quilting, cross-stitch, applique, garment making, embroidery, whatever you have that is not yet done, let’s put it on the list. You can always save others for the next Round. Our goal for the finish along is not to be overwhelming or stressful, but a help and encouragement to set aside time to complete some long standing (or recent) projects.
How Does the Finish Along 2021 work?
Some solid work by you and sharing with our social media crafty family for accountability.
There will be times to share a picture of your of declaration of intent, progress pictures and the finished project.
How can I find pictures of what everyone is doing?
#ssqfal2021 #finishalong2021
Please use the hashtag for the finish along so we can find your pictures on Instagram.
You are also welcome to join and share your pictures in The Sunflower Garden, our Facebook community group. We would love for you to join me in The Garden to get lots of encouragement and perhaps ideas and help with completing your projects.
So who keeps me going?
You do! (with cheering in the background from us)
As you have made a public declaration that you intend to complete ‘X’ project’s in each Round, we hope you’ll feel the sense of accountability and some added drive to finish the projects you list in your declaration.
In short we (your crafty family) will be a source of encouragement and cheer you along as you work on your project/s. It’s well known that when we commit publicly to completing an action that we are more likely to actually complete that action.
Also as you see the project growing and getting closer it becomes a self motivating thing as you are so close to completion, go on, do that last seam, stitch, button, etc…
What do I need to do?
At the beginning of each Finish Along Round we will all post a declaration of intent for the project/s we intend to finish in the Round. We will post a picture of our project or list of projects and briefly mention how far we are going to get with them. For example, I will complete the flimsy (quilt top) of my #100days100blocks2021 quilt, or I will finish the baby blanket I an crocheting, etc and so on.

These can be posted in your Instagram account or in the thread on our FB page or your own FB page. Please use the hashtags #ssqfal2021 or #ssqfinishalong2021 on IG so we can see your pictures.
Progress pics
Then later, we’re asking you to post 2 progress posts of your projects under construction. Reminders for this will be posted. If you have declared more than one project for a Round then you are asked to post 2 pictures of each project as you work on them. Remember to use the hashtags #ssqfal2021 or #ssqfinishalong2021.

Yay I’m finished!
Towards the end of each Finish Along Round we will remind you to share a picture of the completed project/s. Again using the hashtags means we can find the picture easier. #ssqfal2021 or #ssqfinishalong2021.

So in total there is up to 4 pictures per project; Declaration post, 2 progress posts, one or more completed project post. If you are intending to complete more than one project then your Declaration post can contain all projects for that Round, with the multi picture feature that Instagram has these days.
OK, I’m totally joining in! What do I do now?
Start thinking of which project/s you want to finish and consider their priority for completion. Would you like to be able to use that quilt as a gift in June, then maybe it should be in Round 1, need that embroidery for Spring next year, add that for Round 2, got a gift for Christmas, probably best to add that to Round 3 or earlier.
Consider what you might need to be able to complete the projects, have you got the fabric, thread, tools you need to finish the item? Gather your supplies. Go on, you’ll thank me later.
Where can you find me online?
Like our Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting FB page, join me in our group The Sunflower Garden ,and follow me on Instagram. I’ll be sharing in these social media places, as well as here on the blog.
What are the dates we need to know?
There will be 4 ‘Rounds’ for the Finish Along in 2020. Each Round will be for 3 months. There will be reminder posts on Instagram and in the FB group for when to post your pictures.
Round 1 – January, February and March.
January- post declaration picture.
February and March – post progress pictures
End of March – post finished project picture.
Round 2 April, May and June.
Beginning of April- post declaration picture.
April and May – post progress pictures,
End of June- post finished project pictures.
Round 3 July, August and September.
Beginning of July- post declaration picture
July and August – post progress pictures,
End of September- post finished project pictures.
Round 4 October, November and December.
Beginning of October- post declaration picture,
October and November- post progress pictures,
December- post finished project pictures.
To help you…
We have created a Year Planner and Project Sheet for you to use for each project so you can determine your steps to completion and then tick them off when they’re done.
Finish-Along-Project-Sheet and Year planner Download
Consider your coming schedule during Round 1. Do think about what you have going on outside your craft area and be realistic with what you can achieve. Much better to err on the side of declaring less and being more likely to achieve 100% completion.
So, Will you join me? Let’s get some finishing started!
I look forward to seeing some declaration posts in January 2021.
I am going to join you with this great project finishing year. Thank you for starting this. I hope I will be able to finish each one of the UFO projects that I choose!
Looking forward to another year of more finishes than starts!