My Machine

It’s a lovely beast isn’t it?!

My machine – my quilting machine is an A1 Elite 23inch head on a 12foot frame.

I bought this machine in 2009 after an investigation into what machine are available in Australia and what support there was for them as well. This machine is solid and the frame built strong and sturdy, I have enjoyed working with it ever since. I have had not issues I can’t resolve myself, that was a learning curve in itself.

From the back


This is my view when I am quilting a pantograph. I stand at the back of the machine and use the rear handles. I am not actually looking at the quilt but the table which holds the paper pantograph. In the photo you can see a panto called Bubbles by Lorien Quilting.

From the front


When I am am custom quilting this is my view. I can see the needle clearly, the lights are wonderful to have here as well.

The handles are adjustable so I can place them where I need them, closer in or out of the way if I am using rulers. As a general rule the closer your hands are to the needle, the more accurate your quilting will be. Just don’t quilt when tired, that can be problematic…

The Frame

Here she is set up with a quilt on and mid quilting. The frame is 12 feet long and can hold a KS quilt easily. I have only ever had 3 quilts totally fill the frame in 11 years.


If you have any questions about the machine or quilting, let me know in the comments or drop me an email

Happy quilting everyone.


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